Currently, we only have one nonprofit profile per tax ID number (Employer Identification Number or EIN) for each entity on the IRS’s list of organizations that are tax-exempt charities under Section 501(c)(3).
If you can’t find the nonprofit through the search bar (try searching by EIN too!), there are several possible reasons. For example:
- The nonprofit may operate as a fiscally sponsored project of a different 501(c)(3) nonprofit, unable to receive donations directly (in which case only the fiscal sponsor is searchable).
- The nonprofit may be a chapter or other subsidiary under a group exemption with a parent organization (in which case only the parent organization is searchable) and it doesn't have a separate EIN. This is common for religious organizations and PTA’s for example.
- The organization may be a 501(c)(4), which doesn't have restrictions on lobbying and we're unable to disburse to. The organization may be a 501(c)(4) or a fiscally sponsored project of a 501(c)(4).
- The nonprofit may have a different legal name on their government filings or governing documents.
- The nonprofit may have had its tax-exempt status revoked by the IRS.
No matter the issue, we can help figure it out! Please contact us at with the nonprofit’s name and their website (if you have it).