To support a specific nonprofit:
Please visit the nonprofit's profile who you would like to support, click donate, and then choose the "DAF" option on the left hand side. There, you may choose to donate directly via Chariot to automatically initiate a grant from your DAF, or you may request instructions to initiate a manual DAF donation.
To fund your account balance*:
Please login and visit this page, and then click the Fund your account button and choose the "DAF" option on the left hand side. There, you may choose to donate directly via Chariot to automatically initiate a grant from your DAF, or you may request instructions to initiate a manual DAF donation.
*Funding your account grants you a giving credit balance which you can use to support any nonprofit on our platform with no additional payment - think of it like a gift card! If you're planning to support multiple organizations, it can be less administrative overhead for all parties to simply fund your account balance and then make your gifts from that balance.